The Day "Darren Lockyer" played a game of Rugby League in an isolated village in PNG
28 Feb 2017 12:00 AMAdministration Support
Often people forget the reach of influence they have on others, and this story proves that point. When an isolated village in PNG can put a game of Rugby League on and rollout "Darren Lockyer" imagine the influence on Australian kids, who follow these icon types closest movements.
Is Kokoda as demanding as the Tour De France???
7 Jul 2014 3:49 PMAdministration Support
The School of Health Sciences Professor - Kevin Norton – followed a group of 6 walkers from South Australia as they walked the Kokoda track so that the physical work could be measured. On the first day the energy used was almost 6,000 kcal per person! This is a massive rate of energy use and not much below the energy required by the Tour de France cyclists [about 6,000 kcal per day for 21 days].
NSW Police Legacy Kokoda Anzac Trek 2014
30 Apr 2014 12:00 PMAdministration Support
In its ninth year now, the NSW Police took on the challenge of doing the Kokoda Track as a team including 6 young kids who had lost at least one of their uniformed parents. These young kids and Police Officers organized and attended functions to create some funds that would allow them to “put back in”... Here is their story